
Floor coatings with special conditions - The KÖSTER OS-8 System

During the last few years, KÖSTER BAUCHEMIE AG has greatly expanded its product portfolio into the area of self-leveling underlayments and floor coatings. Additionally, KÖSTER plans to gradually add more systems to this area in the future that will complement the existing product portfolio.

Coating for trafficable areas

In Europe, the European Norm 1504-2 applies for the surface protection of trafficked areas. This norm defines the physical properties of such coating systems. Moreover, in the past national norms in Germany such as the DAfStB defined the specifications for the protection of reinforced concrete in trafficable (for example – requiring a minimum layer thicknesses of 2.5 mm). Although these national regulations are now obsolete as of 15 October 2016 after the European Court Justice ruling of 2014 (Case C 100/13), these specifications still have an importance influence in Germany for the planning of infrastructure projects and other industrial areas. For example, the German Builder's Union in Germany requires that surface protection in public buildings such as parking areas meet a certain slip resistance according to DIN 51130. However, the slip-resistance classes must be verified for certain structures and various situations so that despite European harmonization, certain testing requirements from the old German OS 8 regulations have still remained to some extent. That is why KÖSTER has introduced the OS 8 System. The ever present influence of these OS regulations still play an important role in surface protection standards within Germany and as such the “OS” differentiation still has a strong name recognition in the building industry.

Coating for trafficable areas

The KÖSTER OS 8 System meets the following requirements of European Norm 1504-2, which define coating standards explicitly for trafficable areas:


  • High mechanical protection
  • Slip resistance
  • High abrasion resistance
  • Chemical resistance
  • Freeze-thaw durability

These typically include the following areas:

Fields of application:

  • Public buildings (e.g. Parking garages)
  • Commercial buildings (e.g. Workshops)
  • Production areas (e.g. Industrial production)

In the areas listed above, parking garages represent typically the most demanding areas. Building components such as intermediate floor ceilings, floor slabs, and ramps are designed not only to be decorative, but also meet high demands on the resistance of the coating placed by heavy loads.


  • Abrasion (vehicle weight)
  • Temperature (tires vs. surrounding temperature)
  • Ingress of salts, water
  • Resistance against oils, alcohol, cleaners

It should be noted that OS 8 systems are always rigid systems. They are often offered by contractors together with regular inspection and maintenance services. The KÖSTER OS 8 system consists of three system components:

System components:

  • KÖSTER CT 121, Low viscosity primer
  • KÖSTER CT 221, Top coat with very good flow properties even at low temperatures
  • KÖSTER MA 20 / KÖSTER MA 30 kiln dried Quarz sand

The application is carried out in accordance with a set framework and should have an overall layer thickness of 2.5 mm.


  1.  Prepare substrate (Shot blasting, test tensile strength values)
  2.  Apply KÖSTER CT 121 filled 1:1 with KÖSTER MA 30 Quarz Sand with a standard trowel
  3.  Spread material immediately afterwards with a roller and broadcast with KÖSTER MA 20 Quarz Sand
  4.  Vacuum excess quartz sand
  5.  Apply top coat with KÖSTER CT 221

Coating for trafficable areas

The KÖSTER OS 8 System up close

Coating for trafficable areas

Cross section of the KÖSTER OS 8 System

After 24 hours, the coating can already withstand lighter loads. For example, a car park level can be opened after 24 hours. Stronger loads such as forklift traffic can ensue after 7 days, when the full mechanical strength of the coating has been reached.

In industrial areas, in accordance with the European Norm 13813 for screeds, a reduced layer thickness of 1.5 mm can also be installed, so long as the mechanical load does not require full protection according to the OS 8 standard.



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