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USA, Charlottesville, VA, Multi-Purpose Rental Property

Problem to be Solved: The building was renovated and turned into a residential building in 2009. The walls were studded and sheetrock was installed. Over time, mold developed behind the sheetrock and studding began to deteriorate. After removal of the sheetrock, it was evident there were multiple issues that needed to be addressed. Rising damp from the foundation was evident, as well as damaged facing of the brick and mortar. There was also water penetration on the north side of the building that was slightly below grade.

Unique Characteristics: Building built in 1910

Application: The brick faces were cleaned and repaired using KOSTER Repair Mortar Plus. KOSTER Crisin 76 was used just above the second course of brick to stop the rising damp. Walls were primed with KOSTER Polysil TG 500 and KOSTER NB 1 Grey was applied as a negative side waterproofing layer.

Contractor/ Applicator: Piedmont Waterproofing, Charlottesville, VA

The building was renovated and turned into a residential building in 2009. The walls were studded and sheet-rock was installed. Over time, mold developed behind the sheet-rock and studding began to deteriorate. After removal of the sheet-rock, it was evident there were multiple issues that needed to be addressed. Rising damp from the foundation was evident, as well as damaged facing of the brick and mortar. There was also water penetration on the north side of the building that was slightly below grade.  
Fields of application
Internal basement waterproofing on foundation plate with mineral systems
The brick faces were cleaned and repaired using KOSTER Repair Mortar Plus. KOSTER Crisin 76 was used just above the second course of brick to stop the rising damp. Walls were primed with KOSTER Polysil TG 500 and KOSTER NB 1 Grey was applied as a negative side waterproofing layer.  
Product applied
KÖSTER Crisin 76
KÖSTER Polysil TG 500 2K
KÖSTER Repair Mortar Plus
KÖSTER SB Bonding Emulsion
Piedmont Waterproofing, Charlottesville, VA  
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